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A Life of Surrender to God
Tim PilkingtonInterview

Art for Advocacy
Hannah Rose ThomasTalk

Be an Image-bearer
Andy CrouchTalk

Beauty and Justice
Makoto Fujimura and Haejin Shim FujimuraInterview

Bumble Bee
Harry BakerPerformance

Business as a Force for Good

Business is Creative
Caragh BennetInterview

Called for a Mission
Femi KoleosoInterview

Can These Bones Live?
Joshua Luke SmithPerformance

Changing the World through Film
Stuart HazeldineInterview

Communities that Change the World
David StroudTalk

Counter Culture
Andy CrouchTalk

Creating Solutions
Shaninga MarashaInterview

Creating Spaces to Gather
Julian McIntoshInterview
Cultural Renewal in a Time of Crisis
David StroudArticle

Enduring Hope
Joshua Luke SmithTalk

Entrepreneurs and Pioneers

Faithful Presence
David StroudTalk

Food as a Tool for Change
Will TorrentInterview

Fostering & Adoption: Active Compassion
Ici ButcherInterview

Fresh Fire
Agu IrukwuTalk

Hamilton Star on her Christian Faith
Rachelle Ann GoInterview

Having Faith as an Opera Singer
Brin SherrattInterview

Healing Through Writing
Temi OhInterview

Hospitality and Transformation
Lost & FoundInterview

How Should We Live in this World?
Andy CrouchTalk

How to Inhabit Time
James K. A. SmithInterview

Impact and Effect
Andy CrouchTalk

Impact through Comedy
Paul KerensaInterview

Imposter Syndrome
Will Van Der HartTalk

Investing in Younger Generations
Davina BelcherInterview

Justice Defenders
Alexander McLeanTalk

Living with HIV
Christo GreylingInterview

Looking for Joy in all the Wrong Places
James K. A. SmithTalk

Make Ethical Affordable
Yes FriendsInterview

Harry BakerPerformance

On Lament
Joshua Luke SmithPerformance
Opportunities to Contribute in the Post-Pandemic World
David StroudArticle

Politics as a Force for Good

Prayers Through Art
Hannah Rose ThomasInterview

Prediction and Promise
Andy CrouchTalk

Protecting Children’s Futures
World VisionInterview

Protecting Vulnerable Children
Lord James BethelInterview

Race Equality Commission

Rebuilding Ancient Ruins
Sam Lawson JohnsonInterview

Relying on God’s Word
John KirkbyTalk

Renewal and Rugby
David AkinlyuiInterview

Restoring the Value of Marriage
Sir Paul ColeridgeInterview

Setting Captives Free
Christian GuyTalk

Spoken Word
Joshua Luke SmithPerformance

Staying Generous
Gary GrantInterview

Strategists and Artists
Andy CrouchTalk

The Arts as a Force for Good

The Call to Renewal
David StroudTalk

The Grey Zone
Mark SayersInterview

The Important Role of the Bible
Paul WoolleyInterview
The Opportunity of a Lifetime
David StroudArticle

The Past, Present and Future of Christianity
Tom HollandInterview

The Power of Failing
Tim CampbellInterview

The Story of Nehemiah
David StroudTalk

The Story you Live in
Pete HughesTalk

They Will be Unharmed
Leroy LoganInterview

Thief, Soldier, Prisoner, Priest
Paul CowleyInterview

Using Music for Good
Guvna BInterview

Using your Gifts for Impact
David StroudTalk

Using your Platform for Change
Nims Obunge MBEInterview

We Are Psalmists
Joshua Luke SmithTalk
What’s your Story?
David StroudArticle

Whispered Fear
Rachelle Ann GoPerformance

Worship God Anywhere
Professor Richard GilbertsonTalk

“Am I Not a Man and a Brother?”
Paul WoolleyTalk